Environment and Sustainability Committee


Meeting Venue:

Committee Room 3 - Senedd




Meeting date:

Wednesday, 19 March 2014




Meeting time:

09.00 - 12.25




This meeting can be viewed on Senedd TV at:



Concise Minutes:




Assembly Members:


Alun Ffred Jones AM (Chair)

Mick Antoniw AM

Russell George AM

Llyr Gruffydd AM

Julie James AM

Julie Morgan AM

William Powell AM

Antoinette Sandbach AM

Joyce Watson AM








Eifion Bowen, Carmarthenshire County Council

Lyn Cadwallader, One Voice Wales

Mike Cuddy, Penarth Town Council

Robin Crag Farrar, Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg

Andrew Farrow, Planning Officers' Society Wales

Vicky Hirst, Planning Officers' Society Wales

Jane Lee, Welsh Local Government Association

Colin Nosworthy, Cymdeithas yr laith

John Romanski, Planning Aid England

Elwyn Thomas, Planning Aid Wales






Committee Staff:


Catherine Hunt (Clerk)

Mike Lewis (Deputy Clerk)





1    Sustainable Land Management - Consideration of key issues

1.1 The Committee considered the key issues arising from the inquiry into Sustainable Land Management .




2    Introductions, apologies and substitutions

2.1 There were no apologies or substitutions.




3    Draft Planning (Wales) Bill : Welsh Local Government Association and Planning Officers' Society Wales

3.1 The witnesses responded to questions from members of the Committee.




4    Draft Planning (Wales) Bill : Planning Aid England

4.1 The witness responded to questions from members of the Committee.

4.2 John Romanski agreed to provide information on whether Neighbourhood Development Plan referendums are generally sheduled to coincide with local council elections.




5    Draft Planning (Wales) Bill : One Voice Wales | Planning Aid Wales

5.1 The witnesses responded to questions from members of the Committee.




6    Draft Planning (Wales) Bill : Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg

6.1 The witnesses responded to questions from members of the Committee.




7    Papers to note

7.1 The Committee noted the minutes of the meetings held on 12 & 20 February and 5 March.

